When I started this journey, it’s fair to say I didn’t have a clue what the destination was, the truth is I didn’t have a clue what solution hypnotherapy was. Over the last two years this incredible therapy has slowly unraveled into the most elegant system, that has changed everything for me.
Phobias for me was a slow burner, the physiology behind it is simply wonderful. Like most areas of this system I wasn’t simply going to accept as true, even thou the case studies were incredible to read through. I needed to see it work first hand. In some ways I wish I could just listen and accept, as it would certainly have saved a lot of time,
Slowly but surly I have used the phobias techniques and witnessed people gain back control, with things like, swimming, flying, driving even chocking on food in public, but for this blog post, I want to talk about a case study, with someone that was petrified of needles (Trypanophobia) so extreme was there reaction they would, be Panicking all through the night, get hot, sweaty lash out at the dentist trying to inject them and eventually fainting (vasovagal).
Part of a successful phobia treatment is to make sure the client general stress levels are low.
This client believed their stress levels were low and I had no reason to disagree, so we proceeded with the session at my Hypnotherapy Session in Hinckley, Leicestershire.
Fast forward a week, off they went to the dentist, but this time with a new found confidence. They lay down without any anxiety about the little sliver pointy thing. Because of previous visits the client was being monitored for blood pressure etc and it was deemed they could not continue, although the client was calm and relaxed the stats were saying they were at risk of fainting.
Although this was not the perfect outcome, they had crossed a huge barrier.
The client and myself went away and read some information on tips to stop fainting.
Fainting is caused when not enough oxygen in the our blood, gets transported to our brains.
So one of the things we can do is to use gravity to help us, raising our legs helps the blood flow upwards to our brain, squeezing our fists helps pump blood upwards, squeezing the muscles in our legs, eating enough in the morning/day can also help along drinking plenty of fluids with a number of other things. Including a couple of medications.
So armed with this knowledge and the loss of a needle phobia off they went to the dentist.
I’m sure you can guess what I’m going to say.
They came out, minus one tooth, but conquered their fear of, dentists/ needles.
Receiving this news was simply wonderful, understanding that our thoughts can help us conquer so many physiological issues.
Yet another case study I can add to my collection.
If a phobia is stopping you enjoying your life, isn’t it time you got it sorted, pop along to my Hypnotherapy Clinic in Hinckley Leicestershire to find out more.